New Book from Fred Saluga

 Yes Fred Saluga the God Father of Big Foot Research  has been busy this past year and has been for a good reason he has released his First Book  "Paranormal Gateway"

Fred goes deep into many subjects about the paranormal that have occurred in West Virginia

and its a good read

for info on purchasing the book contact him at


The Mysterious Bride Mural along Penn Ave.

 As you travel down Penn Ave in the E. Liberty section of Pittsburgh you will see a beautiful full size Veil of Mystery  Mural on the side of a home.

Once threatened by a fire which broke out in row homes attached to the Mural home .

It is an enduring mystery.



 Is this a bride running away from a possible marriage or is it a bride running to tell her parents she is getting married  or has already eloped or did she forget something on way to the ceremony

Unfortunately we will never know.

Painted in 1995 by Artist Judy Penzer  she tragically lost her life soon after  being a passenger  

on the doomed Flight 800 which exploded mid air. 

Luckily thou dedicated volunteers have managed to save the mural and keep its vibrant colors. 

So if your in East Liberty check it out


Did Abraham Lincoln Secretly Visit Beaver county?

 Recently a photo has emerged on the Internet after much hard work by Historians in beaver County Pa.   that shows a possible image of Abraham Lincoln aboard a canal Boat The Jack Boyle which ran thru Beaver

County and into Ohio. 

Along the Sandy and Beaver Canal it ran 136 miles and eventually linked to the Erie Canal.

While several members of Lincolns Washington Staff  appear to be identified in the Picture 

They have not been able to verify it is Lincoln in the picture . But it is highly possible it could be because he was known to travel  incognito and quietly so Confederate Operatives could not assassinate or kidnap him.



We know he was in the are a couple times including visiting Pittsburgh and staying over nite at the long Gone Monongahela House Hotel. the bedroom furniture where he stayed was lost for many years and is now on display at the Heinz History Center. 

What better way to sneak into an area than canal boat.

So as historians dig we may well have the truth some day.