Did Nikola Tesla Really develop a car that ran on Free Energy and was it secretly stored away here in Pittsburgh ?

 The story goes that in 1931 Nikola  Tesla and one of his assistants traveled to Buffalo NY where they tested a  Standard Austin  Auburn Sedan which had no motor and was converted with secret electrical components that let it run with no fuel .


 After the demonstration it was secretly transported to Westinghouse Research Center in Pittsburgh  in the community of Church Hill where it was stored and examined and then disappeared when the center closed down. 

Example photo

Now after many different  people have looked into all the claims it appears to be to good to be true just like his involvement in the Philadelphia experiment.

and Thomas  Edison checking out a supposed haunted house in Pittsburgh's North side which again never existed .

Yet people who worked at Westinghouse Research claim to have seen it in storage. 

The whole story would make sense it would have ended up at Westinghouse Research because Tesla was friends with and developed AC power with Westinghouse and also  because all kind of secretive stuff was developed there including a supposed high powered electromagnetic gun  for President Reagan's Star-wars program  ,that they would test during lightning storms so locals would not know work was being done on it. 

Seems in the 80s during severe thunder storms there would always be that one super lightning burst which was suppose to be the gun being tested 

Could Tesla have built such a car absolutely ,but like so many inventions that never see  the light of day could just be a concept and never developed or if it was never performed as expected.

There where hundreds of designs Tesla drew up but never developed. This may well be the case when it comes to the free energy car..

With so many accidents on Rodi Road in Penn Hills Pa. is it cursed because of a 666 Adress along it? .

Rodi Road one of the busiest roads in and out of Penn hills has been plagued with many horrific accidents sometimes fatal  

The 2 lane road with a 35 mph speed limit has been subject to many Pendot study's to improve it but little has been done .90% of the accidents along it can be attributed directly to Speeding and Driver aggression and negligence 

 Yet one particular spot which floods regularly during heavy rains seems to see the most horrific accident as can be seen in incident below  I was partial witness to as I was walking out of my Chiropractors office

This crash near Purity drive actually bent the rim on the trailer of the tractor trailer .

Still have not been able to find out what happened but driver in the white jeep  was pinned in their  vehicle  ,

Now why so many accidents and so horrific right in that block has been rumored because it happened in front of the Car-wash which address is 666 an old abandoned house sat on the property and was rumored to be haunted because of the 666 address but I have found no-proof

of it. Other than it sat abandoned for many years.

One of the reason so many accidents happen in this area is really very simple there is no center turning lane like upper section of road has and impatient motorist trying to get up on to I 376 the parkway east will illegally pass on the double yellow line  and they speed down thru this stretch at very high speeds some one pulls out and bang. 

It all come down to driver negligence and arrogance not a curse.

But a many accidents that happen in that stretch and that strange address I can see rumors of it being cursed .


Those Mysterious all Blue Rail Car Trains which come thru Pittsburgh and Ohio Region . What are they and where are they going to ?

 You have heard the Josh Turner " Beware the long Black Train  "  Well there is the Long Blue Train you should also avoid because it stinks . It really does !

 Trash Train coming thru Pittsburgh

Waste Management Rail cars blocking traffic in the village of Fairport.NY

Its known as the NYC Trash Train it comes thru 2 or more times a day from city of New York loaded with trash headed for some landfill in Ohio .They are all blue and rectangular in shape and compressed trash is in them and if it is a warm day when train comes thru or stops temporarily you know it.

Rather than burn or dump its millions of pounds of trash in the ocean  it produces every day like it use to .The trash trains have been filling up giant land fills in Pa Ohio and other states  since the late 80s. 

Its almost secret where they go day and night  because they go to very rural landfills which are big enough to handle them 

Seems like a real waste of time and energy . But for now this is how it is done.



Is the Tin Lizzy Restaurant in Youngstown Pa Haunted ? Stop for lunch or dinner and decide for your self

 Located on the corner of Pa 982 and Original US 30 Lincoln highway now called main street  in the small quiet town of Youngstown Pa in Westmoreland county sits the Tin Lizzy the one time ornate brick building which was once the Youngstown Hotel .

Built in 1800s it has that old world style  and magnificent Tin work ceiling and ornamentation on its outside 

It has everything you can ask for in a haunted structure and the food is fantastic .

It has a bar and dinning room on First floor a Speakeasy called Flappers on the second and even a basement Rath Celler Bar. Even an outside deck

Recently had an excellent lunch with good prices and there definitely feels like something there .

While some guests and employees have encountered some spooky situations you would expect in such an old structure  it seems the spirits both Liquid and Supernatural are quite friendly.



So check it out for yourself and decide. 

Tin Lizzy

259 Main Street

Youngstown Pa.15696

An old Steel Bridge which once served a now Demolished Power Plant has a much darker history and lead to the creation of the Carnegie Heroes fund

 An 100 year  old steel bridge in Springdale Pa  which once served a now demolished  Power Plant is much older then the plant which was recently torn down  to be redeveloped now its the bridges  turn to be torn down which carried coal from nearby Harwick Mine to the plant and when the mine was closed carried pipes which sent coal waste  slurry to a pond further up the hill 




The bridge which goes over Pittsburgh Street proceeds the power plant and was originally used to carry coal cars  from the Harwick Mine to the river and Colfax Rail Station where coal was loaded into cars going to various markets. It was during this time a horrifying accident and explosion happened at the Harwick Mine  killing 179 miners in 1904 some of who are buried nearby the bridge in st James cemetery


 2 rescuers where killed attempting to save miners that it moved Andrew Carnegie to start the Carnegie Heroes Fund


 A marker sites just outside the plant former location

For everything we know about Big Foot We really know nothing? There are no Bigfoot Experts !

 When I give my talks about Bigfoot I present some interesting theory's as to what Bigfoot could be .

Including him being a possible hybrid from a famous Train Wreck near Altoona.

While some in the audience are quick to say Breeds of species cant cross bread how do they know when it comes to Bigfoot?

When some say Bigfoot is definitely  Flesh N Blood while others say he can only Be Interdemensional

Again how do they Know?

When we send a sample to lab for DNA how do they know what to even look for ? 


The fact is they do not know because we have never been able to capture a Bigfoot or any cryptid for that matter.

Until we have an actual flesh n blood live cryptid in a lab to study it everything we know about it is conjecture based on studies so far done by dedicated researches  .

We do not know if this Bigfoot is Animal,Vegetable or Mineral it may be a totally new unknown type of life species never before seen .


So when some one discusses Bigfoot and says its defiantly this or that and cant do this or that they are absolutely wrong. because we do not know.  

We know its habits but they can change on a whim, when a new report comes in and we can only conjecture on its its make up based on what we currently know about known  animals .

So anyone calling themselves a Bigfoot Expert is just being delusional.  We have so much more to learn. 

When we finally capture one of these beasts and have answers I am sure many will have egg on their faces




Those Crazy Railroad Tracks are amazing where all they lead to on Neville Island one even goes thru a warehouse to get to another .

 Neville Island just a few miles down from Pittsburgh on the Ohio river is Heavily industrialized on top half of island which means it also has an abundance of railroad spurs go all over the island to what was once many steel and other manufacturing plants .

The little railroad Formally known as Pittsburgh Chartiers and Youghiogheny Railroad which then became Sort lived Pittsburgh Industrial Railroad  and is now known as Pittsburgh & Ohio Central Railroad operates with 3 different engines and has trackage rights to Washington Pa.  

However with all the weaving and bopping it has to do to get tank ,flat and gondola cars delivered to various company's who have taken over the old Mill sites  one in particular is a little more tricky.

What was once the sprawling site of PDM Pittsburgh Demoine Steel the railroad has to actually  pass thru one building to get to another on Grand Ave  which are owned by different company's 


It goes thru the building owned by SMB Mechanical Contracting to make a delivery to Trinity Metals 

at end of day after train is done working SMB rolls down the doors till another work day .

Its a rather unusual  arrangement but it works. 

Its a shame all the tracks no longer used and the 10,000 jobs the island has lost but lots of small company's have popped up in there place.

Those Strange Electrical Meters and disconnect Switches which seem to be in the middle of no where ? Is it a Secret Government Bunker ?

 As you ride thru The Allegheny National Forrest in McKean and Warren County's of Pa. on US 219 or US 6  or Pa 66 you will ride for miles and  not see another living  sole and nothing but thick forests and  woods . But then occasionally you might see an Electrical Meter Setup like in the image below along side the road .

But what is it doing out in the middle of no where and what could it be serving ?

A secret hidden Underground  Government Bunker ? Well that's what conspiracy Buffs will tell you . They claim the government has all kind of secret stuff going on deep in the National Forrest which if this is the case I don't think they would have a power line  and meter you could follow to it.

But what it could be serving is an Oil Well Pump Motor further back in the woods you do not see.or water treatment site or booster pump  etc. with water being provided by a natural spring

It could be serving a Cabin or Home you do not see sitting back one of those dirt back roads .

It could even be serving a Coal Mine or Quarry . again sitting back in woods and you do not see it from the woods especially when all the leaves are on trees. 

 Another good possibility is the meter is serving a Cellular or 2 Way Radio  Tower  or AM /FM transmission site.

When you go back those dirt roads on the many back roads in Pa.  with permission like I do  You quickly realize  there is really nothing to it and power is being provided to one of the items I listed above .

But power to a secret hidden bunker I doubt it if such a structure was there in the woods it would be self provider of energy like with solar and wind  and be very carefully hidden so you don't know its there. 

I had one guy show me pictures one tie of what he claimed was a secret hidden FEMA cam with Gas chambers . One look and it was clearly a Natural gas compression facility . but to the untrained individual yea it could look that way. He felt pretty silly after showing me the pictures.

So now you know.