An Investigation and Inquiry into Unsolved Crimes, Mystery's , The Bizarre ,Macabre,Unusual and just strange events and unique properties and buildings which played a part in or that have occurred in Tri State Area
It has been 30 Years since the Disastrous Flight 427 incident in Beaver County Pa . Yet one rumor about how it happened will not go away why?
It has been 30 years since the fatal flight of US Air 427 Crashed into a field in Beaver County Pa near Alliquippa .on September 8 1994 I mean no disrespect to those who lost family but there has been a persistent rumor needs to be confirmed or ruled completely false
I remember it well I was in class at CCAC South getting my life back on track after getting permanently crippled Leg in a construction accident when I got word over my pager and left and meet up with my Allegheny Valley React Communications Team ready to head out when we where cancelled at last minute .
All of a sudden they wanted no volunteers and even Volunteer Fire Fighters first to respond where asked to leave once county ,state and federal agency's showed up.
But why they claimed volunteer would be more likely to sue for mental anguish and other issues VS. Government employees who could not
All the answers total complete bull shit.
Civilians have been used at other crash sites . Of course this just helped fuel speculation which is more than warranted when it looked into.. Sounds just like Keckburg remove the civilians and bring in the military
I have even done Alarm and electrical in homes close to where crash happened and those home owners say something wrong going on with official ruling .
Over those 30 years I have run into many former US Air employees and mechanics etc. and everyone i have talked to say they disagree with FAA ruling it was a tail rudder issue .
Many insist it was an explosive went off caused Rutter issue and this explosion was deliberate because there was an extremely important federal witness being transported to Pittsburgh for a Grand Jury hearing with very damaging information on Political figures.
Now it seems inconceivable they would kill a whole plane of passengers and make it look like an accident thee witness could be taken out many different ways . Yet why would all these Airline employees insist otherwise?
Yes from all I can find there was a witness on the flight who was killed
Part of this whole conspiracy is that the Late Mike Boguslovski a Consumer Reporter for WPXI TV
was fired for looking into the rumors .
.Plus .Given all the conspiracy and not getting the truth from our government about everything from JFK assassination to 911 it is understandable how this rumor still persists .
I was doing work for Pittsburgh Custom Darkroom on Pittsburgh's North side who processed many of the crash scene photos for coroners office and they where simply horrifying and daily they sent employees home sick who processed the black and white photos many I saw when there was a problem with the processor. Yes many County employees who worked that crash scene I know where never right in the head afterward and it lead to the downfall of the illegally and improperly formed Delta Team and some of its leaders .
Yes there is plenty of grief to go all around this incident which many will not accept and this is why this rumor and conspiracy still exists .
Yes Pittsburgh at one time had Two Red Light Districts
Hard to believe but in the 1980s Pittsburgh had 2 Red Light Districts one in Pittsburgh's North Side on Federal Street which had the Mini Ritz Adult Theater and infamous Garden Theater and the several block long one in Downtown on Liberty ave Liberty ave was full of Adult Theaters , Massage Parlors and Adult Book stores and ruled by one of the most colorful characters of the time Dante Tex Gill who was a women who dressed as a man and had a wife.
Unfortunately all this vice lead to a War between Dante her boss George Lee and the Pittsburgh Mob and resulted in a bombing with killed one masseuse.
I had a customer on liberty ave Ace Amusement owned by the colorful Character Larry Hirsch and one night while working fixing his alarm we had to evacuate when they found a bomb in the mens room in the Liberty Adult Art Cinema next door. The stupid ass bouncer . Brought the bomb in a cigarette pack out on to street before calling police. as we evacuated it was sitting on side walk and had a red blinking light. .
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Ace Amusement was to the right |
After the war ended Tex Gill went to jail for tax evasion Mr Lee was Killed and the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust started buying up renovating and tearing down these seedy establishments .
The only remnants left today are the old Edison Hotel now known as a Blush Exotic gentleman's club and the adult book store at Smithfield street .
But what an exciting and interesting period it was.
There was almost a 2nd Boston Tea Party in Leetsdale Pa in the 1980s. when some one opened a British Tea Shop?
As you ride down Pa 65 South thru Leetsdale you pass some industrial building and then come to an intersection with an old railroad building which has been many things over the years including a dry cleaners. The railroad crossing has been long closed but this is how you got back to the industrial park at one time .
It sits empty at the moment but in early 80s Cathy Windsor turned the building into a British Tea Room and restaurant what a neat ideal for tea lovers and history buffs . Unfortunately as part of the decor she put a large British flag on a flag pole out front and that's what doomed her project from the start and saw it closed in less than 6 months.
Town citizens ignorance where outraged she put up such a large British flag on American soil and threatened to burn the place to the ground and not patronize it,
Actually it was a very nice place for those of us who love tea and town-folks where acting very ignorantly to the Decor there was no slighting on the USA ever in the owners mind.
There is a very similar place up on Pa 19 in Wexford minus the big flag and everyone thinks its great to be able to enjoy British Delicacies
The Forgotten Oakford Park Tragedy which killed 21 people in Jeanette Pa on July 5 1903
Imagine its 1903 and you are sauntering in your Sunday Best clothing enjoying a local Trolley Amusement Park in Jeanette unaware the park will see a very dark and terrifying tragedy about to happen to them
When a sudden unexpected cloud burst would overflow and break the dam of Lake Placid which is one of the attractions of the park
the park manager seeing water starting to rise in the park and flowing over the dam tried to get people to go to higher ground but it was too late for over 20 of them being swept away.
The park was destroyed but was quickly rebuilt in 1904 and lasted well into the 40s
and the swimming pool till the 80s. '
Today a gas station sits where Trolley Entrance was and an old garage across the street was the one time trolley shed.
and the park just a memory .
The strange looking metal markers at Washington blvd and Allegheny River Blvd. in Pittsburgh
As you ride down ARB Allegheny River Blvd you come to the intersection of Washington Blvd and are greeted by 2 out of place metal monuments that are the entrance way to the City of Pittsburgh Brilliant Yard Asphalt Plant
What makes them even stranger is the holes in the side of them. so what are they and where did they come from ?
Well these 2 metal monuments where originally railing pieces for a bridge on Murray Ave between Green Field and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods and when bridge was replaced instead of being discarded they where placed at the plant entrance.
But Why? good question as I have looked for and not been able to find a good answer .
Now you would think they would have honored the neighborhood where they came from with them but no there at the entrance of a asphalt plant and now you know .
Lake Go Go in Indiana County Pa. a one time strange place to go to.
I just recently learned about the one time absolutely bizarre displays which adorned GO GO Lake in Indiana County Pa the 70s put there by the Frye ? Family from what I can find out who lived in a white trailer across from the lake off Stadtmiller Ernst
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The lake still exists but all the bizarre stuff has been removed over the years