Strange Little 2 Story Buildings you can find in Beaver County What are they ? Prophets Chambers what?

If you travel thru the country you may run across these strange about 8ft square 2 story structures every once in a while 2 such structures still exist in Beaver County Pa  one in Darlington and one in South Beaver

They served a very important purpose in the Community's and where known as Prophets Chambers
Back before community's had fully established churches and full time ministers you had ministers known as  Circuit Riders .

 Many of the Methodist Faith they would ride from town to town providing ministry and the Prophets Chamber provided a place of rest  and refreshment for the Circuit Riding Ministers  after a long days ride. 
As permanent full time ministers and churches became the normal in towns around the country 
the Circuit Riding Minister went into obscurity with the exception of one minister in the deep south  Robert E. Harris
who rode a horse and stopped at Truck stops thru North Carolina.  till His Death in 2007

Monthly Column appears in Movin Out Truckers Newspaper available most truck stops 

 and Pastor Dan Boyd  who calls himself the last circuit Rider.