An old Steel Bridge which once served a now Demolished Power Plant has a much darker history and lead to the creation of the Carnegie Heroes fund

 An 100 year  old steel bridge in Springdale Pa  which once served a now demolished  Power Plant is much older then the plant which was recently torn down  to be redeveloped now its the bridges  turn to be torn down which carried coal from nearby Harwick Mine to the plant and when the mine was closed carried pipes which sent coal waste  slurry to a pond further up the hill


The bridge which goes over Pittsburgh Street proceeds the power plant and was originally used to carry coal cars  from the Harwick Mine to the river and Colfax Rail Station where coal was loaded into cars going to various markets. It was during this time a horrifying accident and explosion happened at the Harwick Mine  killing 179 miners in 1904 some of who are buried nearby the bridge in st James cemetery

 2 rescuers where killed attempting to save miners that it moved Andrew Carnegie to start the Carnegie Heroes Fund

 A marker sites just outside the plant former location

For everything we know about Big Foot We really know nothing? There are no Bigfoot Experts !

 When I give my talks about Bigfoot I present some interesting theory's as to what Bigfoot could be .

Including him being a possible hybrid from a famous Train Wreck near Altoona.

While some in the audience are quick to say Breeds of species cant cross bread how do they know when it comes to Bigfoot?

When some say Bigfoot is definitely  Flesh N Blood while others say he can only Be Interdemensional

Again how do they Know?

When we send a sample to lab for DNA how do they know what to even look for ? 


The fact is they do not know because we have never been able to capture a Bigfoot or any cryptid for that matter.

Until we have an actual flesh n blood live cryptid in a lab to study it everything we know about it is conjecture based on studies so far done by dedicated researches  .

We do not know if this Bigfoot is Animal,Vegetable or Mineral it may be a totally new unknown type of life species never before seen .


So when some one discusses Bigfoot and says its defiantly this or that and cant do this or that they are absolutely wrong. because we do not know.  

We know its habits but they can change on a whim, when a new report comes in and we can only conjecture on its its make up based on what we currently know about known  animals .

So anyone calling themselves a Bigfoot Expert is just being delusional.  We have so much more to learn. 

When we finally capture one of these beasts and have answers I am sure many will have egg on their faces