The Chain Lady of Pitts Forbes Hall

Student Residents  of the 5th floor of University of Pittsburgh's  Forbes Hall have for years heard the story of the Chain Lady and how she haunts the floor .

The story goes that Forbes Hall before it became a Student Dormitory was a former Insane Asylum and that on the 5th floor was  kept the most violent inmates who where kept secured by chains.

One night the women in charge of the floor who was short staff that evening was caring for the inmates when one of them  managed to escape there bonds while being cared for and took off down the stairwell.

The women in charge went sailing after her with the confinement chains to  hold her once she got hold of her 

slipped and fell and ended up with chains wrapped around here neck and suspended from them. 

Students claim they can often hear what sounds like chains rattling around the 5th floor stairway. 

Except there is a big problem to this whole story.

The site before it was Forbes Hall was a Nursing home for the elderly which went bankrupt.

There was never an Insane Asylum located there its a totally made up story. to scare the students and nothing more .

So if there are spirits about making noise its the Former Nursing Home residents not a chain lady