Did Big Foot Rip an electric meter off of a home ? The strange case of the exploding meter

 I do Forensic Electrical Inspections where I go out and evaluate electrical damages for insurance company's.

One of the strangest cases I recently came across  happened in North Suburbs of Pittsburgh.

A lady was sitting at her computer  doing here work from home  when she heard a loud  pop outside here home and power went off .

  Few minutes later she sees flashlights and its the power company and Firefighters in her yard.

She goes outside and here she finds her Electric Power Meter has been pulled or blown off its base which is feed from underground  and sitting 15 feet from the house.

But the crazy thing is no surge damage in the home which I typically see when a power surge ops meters off like I saw in Ross Twp Pa. after a major power surge and to make matters  no real damage to meter base other than front metal is bent out.

It looked like a powerful individual  walked up and pulled it out of the meter base.  because all the metal on front was pulled outward.

Power Company said it was popped off when underground wiring shorted but if that's the case where is smoke or other damage to the meter base.

But the strange part homes around here did not loose power and fuse on transformer did not pop which typically happens when the wiring underground short crcuits.

So they ran a new overhead line to make repairs  .

Now there have been cases of these smart meters exploding but that's also not the case. 

When that happens it is clearly evident.

Now I have suggested maybe Natural gas or Methane from nearby abandoned Wildwood Coal mine 

got into underground pipe and whe wiring shorted it sent a force up pipe and blew meter off. 

But its been questioned as well. while others say it was Big foot who did it as there has supposedly been big Foot activity around the old mine but no current reports.  

So there obviously has to be a real explanation but for now it is unsolved I will update if there are further findings