They called it the " House of Mystery ". It was more like the house of Horrors in Bellevue

In early 1900's a young woman who became pregnant out of wedlock was seen very differently than it is today.
They where publicly shamed and hidden from society sent to special boarding schools to have and then raise their child  or have it adopted.
So it was not uncommon for those in society to prey on these unfortunate young girls  performing the Back Alley Abortion  in a home where a young girl was often lucky to be alive after the procedure.

But one such operation run by  Charles C. Meridith  MD in  a large looming residence high on a river bluff  in Bellevue  was not discovered until a well know socialite Dorthy Arnold  from New York  City disappeared and was believed to have died and remains disposed of  in what became known as the "  House of Mystery"
 It is believed  as many as 20 young girls went missing and their remains where incinerated in the homes massive heating furnace after dying during the  botched abortion procedure.

Dr Meridith  was well respected citizen but the citizens had no idea the horrors in his home that where going on. To this day  the remains of Dorthy Arnold have not been recovered but Meridith's undoing was the death of Mrs. Myrtle Allison  whose remains where found. I am trying to dig out all the details on this story and share it with you in a further article. . The residence is believed to have been leveled and sat about where Brighton auto service now sits .

Unfortunately these types of horrors go on to this day with a recent case in Philadelphia 

What ever happened to" Wild Bill " who lived in the woods of Penn Hills

He was a former City of Pittsburgh Police Officer who accidentally killed a young child when responding to a call. Bill Reinstien or Wild Bill as everyone knew him slowly went from an average guy to a Hermit  in the 1990's a restless soul who walked around the town with a backpack and lived in a tepee made of blue plastic tarps  in the woods after his home got so bad the township tore it down. He never bothered a soul but some people especially kids taunted him with the name " Chester the Molester" a fictional character from Play boy magazine
The township went after bill in 1995 to remove the tepee and he was arrested at one point and ordered to tear it down but he persisted in living in the woods in late 1990's   his tepee caught fire and when I was with Penn hills 4# we responded and put the fire out .
Supposedly funds where  raised to help get him into a personnel care or other supervised setting but no one knows if it ever happened or where Bill is no he would be 80 years old today he supposedly had a police pension his sister managed but again all speculation. I was reminded of wild bill when I saw a homeless man who looked just like him sitting in a park in monroeville couple days ago was it bill sure could be he may be 80 but age means nothing to some people.
  Last time I talked to Bill was at the Old Dairy Queen on Saltsburg Road in late 90's
  and he was still full of mind and just wanting to live life his way not the way the gov told him.

Thallium The Poisoners Poison and the case of a large quantity of it missing in Penn Hills

I have driven down Sandy Creek road many times in Penn Hills over the years past several small manufacturing plants and assorted business  and never really paid attention to the small place along the road near the top where Verona Road meets . Then one afternoon in 2009  while driving by this small plant there where all kind of environmental and emergency vehicles sitting outside. OK something going on will have to watch the news this evening .

Former Industrial coatings plant. 
Well it ends up there is a major concern seems 2 gallons of Thallium the Poisoners Poison as it is known  from mystery writers novels is missing from the former industrial diamond  powders processing facility.  which had closed in 2003  a relative reported it missing and they where ready at one point to break up a cement slab in drive way to see if it had been disposed of there. But after an extensive search and back round investigation of the relative of the plant they pretty much are sure he is just making up a story as he has a history of questionable activity's in his life. Yet he still claims it is missing and it may well be missing as there does not appear to be any records as to how it was disposed of when the plant closed along with a bunch of other dangerous items. Too many times things get spilled on the ground or buried  and forgotten which could be very bad situation with this product which could poison the entire town if it gets in the water table .
The building has since become headquarters for a company which remodels homes for flipping purposes. 
but the case is still open. 

It is called " A Day of Shame " in Ohio and Pennsylvanians where behind it and many questions remain unanswered.

If you study Native American history sooner or later you may run across a book my 5th great uncle on my Mothers side of family John Ernesto Gotlieb  Heckewelder  wrote in the 1880's

History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states (1881, c1876)

He knew a lot about Indians he was a Moravian Faith Missionary who  worked with the Delaware Indian tribes and brought them to Christianity .
 He helped to found a town in Ohio called Gnadenhutten .
Here he lived with many peaceful Indians . However because of his Moravian Faith he was seen as a threat to  the British who saw him as a spy and took him and a companion he worked with David Zeisberger   to Detroit for trail.
and While the little village was abandoned the year before  some of the Indians returned to the village to harvest crops they had grown that summer. But it was a very unfortunate time for them because coming over from Pennsylvania was a militia led by Captain David Williamson  in search of Indians who had attacked white settlements and had kidnapped and murdered settlers. It was March 8 ,1782  when they came and captured those working the fields and then set about brutally killing 98 Indian  men woman and children
With a large club to the head. in what would be come known as the " Day of Shame" in Ohio

 The Indians at Gnadenhutten  how ever had nothing to do with the attacks
My Uncle and Mr. Zeisberger where cleared of the charges and where on their way back when the massacre occurred.
When they returned to the village death and destruction was everywhere. In keeping with native american traditions they gathered and buried the Indians remains in a mound which is still at the site today which is a state park and where a church is named after my great uncle.

From all I can find there where never any charges brought against the militia members for what was done as some settlers actually supported what they had done  and to this day it is unknown why the militia choose this particular village  many miles into Ohio border or  what group of Indians had attacked the settlers in Pennsylvania. However the Lenape Indians  friends of the Delaware extracted revenge on a couple of those militia who participated and captain Williamson would die in Poverty many years later.
If you go to Gnadenhutten you will find it a quiet solemn place and you may even hear the tearful cry of those Indians who where killed.
Here is a very detailed article by Earl Nicodemus

By the spring of 1780, Heckewelder and Zeisberger decided that they would be better off back at their old towns on the upper Tuscarawas River, so they and most of their Christian followers left Lichtenau and returned to their old homes in Schoenbrunn and Gnadenhutten. However, Heckewelder and several of the Christian Indian families stopped about six miles south of Gnadenhutten. On April 6, 1780, they established a new town at that location that they called Salem. By 1780, over 400 Christian Indians were living in the area around the three towns and 10 white missionaries and teachers were living and working with them. On July 4, 1780, John Heckewelder married Sara Ohneberg at Salem with the Rev. Adam Grube presiding. Their daughter was born the following year.

When the Revolutionary War broke out, many of the Ohio Indian tribes chose to support the British side. However, most of the Delawares and the Moravian Christian Indians chose to remain neutral although Zeisberger and Heckewelder kept American commanders at Fort Pitt informed about some of the Indian activities in Ohio. The texts of some of letters between Heckewelder and Zeisberger to Generals Hand and Broadhead at Fort Pitt are in the Draper Manuscript Collection held by the Wisconsin State Historical Society. During the summer of 1777, Zeisberger learned that the Indians were planning an attack on Fort Henry. Starting in the middle of June 1777, Zeisberger sent a series of letters to General Hand at Fort Pitt notifying him of the impending attack. Hand responded by calling up five militia units to reinforce the fort and then sending Major Andrew Swearingen downriver from Holliday’s Fort with provisions for the enlarged garrison. The attack on Fort Henry came on Sept. 1, 1777.

Salem Historical Marker  (Photo by Earl Nicodemus)

In the spring of 1778, Simon Girty and several others left the service of the Americans at Fort Pitt and traveled to Fort Detroit to work for the British side. Girty suspected the spying activities of the two missionaries, and he lobbied for the British to destroy the Moravian Indian towns and remove the missionaries. He thought that the missionaries should be hanged for treason. Some of the Indians supported Girty’s desire to remove the Moravian Indians and the missionaries from the towns on the Tuscarawas River. However, British authorities at Fort Detroit continued to issue orders that the Christian Indians were not to be harmed. By the summer of 1781, chief Half King (Pomocon) of the Wyandots had grown impatient with the lack of action by the British in regard to the Moravian missionaries. He sent a letter to the commandant at Fort Detroit, Major Arent Schuyler DePeyster, demanding that the British take action or else “I will do so.” (Implying that he would kill the missionaries.)

Schoenbrunn Historical Marker (Photo by Earl Nicodemus)

In late August of 1781 and in response to Half King’s threat, Major DePeyster sent Captain Matthew Elliott, along with a group of soldiers, to relocate the Christian Indians to an area on the Sandusky River near the Wyandot Village known as “Half King’s Town.” Half King and around 200 Wyandot and Delaware Indians accompanied Elliott’s men to the Christian Indian towns on the Tuscarawas. Heckewelder’s diary describes Simon Girty jumping up onto a chair and reading the letter from DePeyster informing the missionaries that they were to move to the Sandusky River region and stating that Half King was authorized to use force if they refused. However, Girty was illiterate and the letter was more likely read by either Elliott or Half King. At the time, a total of 10 white missionaries and teachers were living and working with the Moravian Christian Indians. DePeyster’s instructions were that the missionaries were to be treated with respect and that they were not to be mistreated in any way. However, Half King’s warriors ignored those instructions. They stripped the missionaries and pillaged their homes. Heckewelder described the Indians running around wearing the clothes that they had stolen from the homes of the missionaries. Some of the Christian Indian women prevailed upon Half King to allow them to give the missionaries something to cover their nakedness. Half king allowed them to give the missionaries some ragged dresses to wear. It is worthwhile to note that the Delawares apparently did not participate in any of the violence against the missionaries. Although the Wyandots plundered the missionaries, they permitted the Christian Indians to take some of their livestock and other belongings as they traveled by water and land to Coshocton at the forks of the Muskingum. From there, they followed the Walhonding River northwest and then went overland until they reached the Sandusky River several miles south of Half King’s Wyandot town. There, Half King and his warriors abandoned them telling them that they were free to build new homes anywhere in that region. Since the October winds were already blowing, they immediately set to the task of building cabins for winter shelter. Following the tradition of the Delawares, the women went out every day to dig wild potatoes for food. Because of the scarcity of suitable grazing land, the milk cows soon dried up, so babies and children went hungry. (Earl’s note: The wild potatoes eaten by the Delawares were actually wild sweet potatoes that we would recognize as morning glory plants.)

In late February, Girty arrived from Fort Detroit with orders to bring Zeisberger and Heckewelder to the fort to stand trial for treason. Because Girty was joining the Wyandots for an excursion against the Virginians, he assigned a Frenchman named Mr. Lavallie to take the missionaries to Fort Detroit. Girty instructed Lavallie to “drive them like cattle.” As Lavallie and the missionaries proceeded downriver on the trail along the Sandusky, he observed that Zeisberger had some difficulty walking due to his rheumatism. Lavellie gave Zeisberger his own horse while he walked instead. When they arrived at the lower Sandusky near the lake, a gentleman named Mr. Robbins offered the missionaries the hospitality of his home. Lavallie sent a letter to Fort Detroit asking for a boat to transport the missionaries to the fort from the mouth of the Sandusky River. After they had been at the home of Mr. Robbins for some weeks, a boat from Fort Detroit arrived to transport them to the fort. A company of British Rangers arrived on the boat with orders from Commandant DePeyster. DePeyster’s orders instructed Lavallie and the rangers to bring the missionaries to Fort Detroit. The letter stipulated that the missionaries were not to be harmed. The same day that the boat arrived with DePeyster’s orders, Girty also arrived in the area. When he learned that Lavellie had ignored his instructions to drive the missionaries overland like cattle to Fort Detroit, he was extremely angry. Heckewelder’s diary describes Girty threatening the missionaries with his tomahawk and then spending the night in a drunken rage. While they waited for the weather over the lake to calm down so that they could depart for Detroit, the missionaries received word of the killing of their Christian Indian brothers and sisters at Gnadenhutten.

Upon their arrival at Fort Detroit, Commandant DePeyster forced the two poorly clad missionaries to stand outside in the cold for several hours before he ordered them into his presence to face charges for treason. Some of the Indian leaders were also in the room. When DePeyster asked Chief Pipe for his testimony about the spying charges against the missionaries, Pipe spoke in defense of the missionaries. DePeyster declared that the missionaries were cleared of the charge of treason. He then ordered that they be fed and clothed and supplied them with some provisions to take back to their families on the Sandusky.

The winter of 1781-82 was very harsh, and the relocated Christian Indians had not been able to harvest their crops when they were forced from their homes, so they were suffering from starvation. The frozen ground prevented the women from digging wild potatoes, and the snow covered the grass causing most of their livestock to die from starvation. By February, the Christian Indians and missionaries were surviving by eating the decaying flesh of their dead cattle. When the weather broke at the end of February, about 150 of the Christian Indians obtained permission from Half King to return to their old homes on the Tuscarawas to harvest corn to bring back to their families at the Sandusky.

The unusually warm late February weather also led to an early rash of Indian Raids from the Ohio country into Virginia and Pennsylvania. On Feb. 8, a small raiding party killed John Fink in Pennsylvania not far from Buchanan’s Fort, on the upper Monongahela. A couple of days later, a small raiding party took a young man named John Carpenter captive from near Buffalo creek in Northwestern Virginia. (Now Brooke County, W.Va.) Some of the Indians who took Carpenter prisoner spoke Dutch and told Carpenter that they were Moravian. The raiding party crossed the icy waters of the Ohio River and then bedded down for the night putting the horses out to graze. The next morning, the Indians put John to work helping to round up the horses, and he was able to escape and make his way to Fort Pitt where he reported that his home had been raided by some of the Moravian Indians.

On Feb. 15, a raiding party struck the home of Robert Wallace on Raccoon Creek, several miles west of Pittsburgh. At the time of the raid, Robert was away from home having left early that morning to take corn to a mill which was several miles away. When he returned home that evening, he found his house in shambles. His livestock had been shot dead and the Indians had pillaged whatever they could carry off with them. Mrs. Wallace, along with the couple’s 10-year-old son, 2-and-a-half-year-old son, Robert, and infant daughter, had been taken captive by the Indians. Wallace rode to the homes of several of his nearest neighbors, and they headed out in pursuit of the Indians at first light the next morning. Unfortunately several inches of snow had fallen during the night, so they soon lost the trail.

As the raiding party traveled west, they made slow progress because of Mrs. Wallace and the baby. They had crossed the Ohio River and had gone only a short distance into Ohio when they did something that certainly impacted the later events. Because they were slowing the raiding party down, the Indians tomahawked Mrs. Wallace and the baby. Just beyond a bend in the trail, they cut off and sharpened two small saplings and impaled the naked bodies of Mrs. Wallace and the baby on them posing the bodies to make them appear to be looking down the trail toward the direction from which anyone in pursuit would be coming. The Indians took Wallace’s two sons with them. The 10-year-old year died in captivity from disease and malnutrition a year or so later. The younger son, Robert Wallace, survived and was adopted into an Indian family. When he was around 10 years old, he was returned to the white community, but had forgotten the English language.

Back at Fort Pitt, the Americans had learned that the Indian raiding parties were using the abandoned buildings at Salem, Gnadenhutten and Schoenbrunn as stopover points during their travels to and from the Indian villages in Ohio as they were conducting their raids in Pennsylvania and northern Virginia. In late February or early March of 1782, General Gibson at Fort Pitt organized a force of 160 Pennsylvania militiamen under the command of Lieutenant Colonel David Williamson to go into the Ohio country to burn the three abandoned towns. After failing to find the trail of the raiding party that had taken his family, Robert Wallace rode to Fort Pitt where he arrived just as the Williamson’s expedition was leaving for the Ohio Country. So he joined the expedition. When the militiamen rounded a curve in the trail in Ohio a few days later, they were greeted by the gruesome sight of the impaled bodies of Mrs. Wallace and the baby. To say that the militiamen were enraged with hatred for Indians would be an understatement.

Gnaddenhutten Historical Marker (Photo by Earl Nicodemus)

The next day, the army arrived in the vicinity of Gnadenhutten. After crossing a swollen stream, the militia encountered a man named Joseph Shebosh who was half Indian and half white. As Shebosh begged for his life, a militiaman named Charles Bilderback killed him with a tomahawk and scalped him. Colonel Williamson and his men were expecting the Moravian towns to be vacant, so they were surprised to discover a large number of Indians out working in the fields. Williamson sent detachments of militiamen to Schoenbrunn and Salem to bring back any Indians who were there. The Indians at Schoenbrunn had learned of the presence of the militiamen and fled before the detachment of militia arrived. However, the detachment that went to Salem returned to Gnadenhutten with several Indians families who were there. As they returned to the Gnadenhutten, the militiamen demanded that the Indians give up their arms to prevent any hostile actions against the militia. The peaceful Moravians complied with that request. Several of the militiamen spotted things in the town that they thought the Indians could have taken from some of their neighbors and family members who had been killed during Indian raids. Because of that, Colonel Williamson decided that the militia would take all of the Indians back to Fort Pitt to face trial for participating in the raids. They confined the Indians to two of the cabins with the men in one and the women and children in another. Then, Robert Wallace noticed that a teenaged Indian girl was wearing the dress that his wife had been wearing on the morning that she was captured by the Indians. He knew that it was Mrs. Wallace’s dress because he had watched his wife make the dress with her own hands. Some accounts say that the dress was still stained with the blood of Mrs. Wallace, but that is unknown. Although the girl claimed that a visiting Indian had given it to her in gratitude for some food that she had given to him, the enraged militiamen did not believe her.

The militiamen took a vote and all but 18 of the 260 men voted to execute all of the Indians for the murders of Mrs. Wallace and her baby. They informed the Indians of the decision and then allowed them to gather in the meetinghouse to pray. For most of the night, the Indians sang hymns and prayed. Some of the 18 men who voted against putting the Indians to death declared that they would have no part in the killings and were going to head back to Pennsylvania. So that they would not be considered deserters, Williamson gave them permission to leave provided that they would make their camp 10 or 12 miles away and then rejoin the army as it returned to the fort. Some historians have indicated that Williamson was not in favor of executing the Indians, but had no choice when all but 18 of the men voted to do so. It is worthwhile to note that many of militiamen had also participated in the Squaw Campaign and in the Coshocton Massacre.

Early on the morning of March 8, 1782, the militiamen brought the Indians into two of the cabins to be executed. The men were taken into one cabin and the women and children were taken into the other cabin. Nathan Rollins brought over a large wooden mallet that he had found at the cooper’s shop. Rollins was eager for revenge because his father and uncle had been killed by Indian raiding parties. When the militiamen came into the chapel to take the Indians to their deaths, an old man, who had taken the Christian name of Abraham and was one of the spiritual leaders of the congregation volunteered to go first. Abraham had long gray hair which some of the militiamen wanted as a trophy. The Indians were taken into the slaughterhouses two at a time. Rollins swung the heavy hammer striking the victims on the head stunning them. Then, another militiaman slit their throats. This was exactly the same procedure that was used for dispatching livestock at the slaughterhouses at the time. After they scalped the victims, the militiamen dragged them into some of the nearby cabins to be burned. Rollins swung the cooper’s mallet 14 times before declaring that his arm had given out. Then, he sat down and sobbed because his revengeful killing spree had not diminished his grief for his father and uncle.

Gnadenhutten Massacre Drawing Circa mid-1800s (Public Domain)

Two young boys were able to slip through a trap door in the floor and hide in the root cellar under one of the cabins. It ended up being the cabin where the women and children were being killed. When darkness fell, the militia set fire to the cabin, so the boys attempted to crawl out through a small opening in the foundation. The smaller boy went first and was able to escape and run to safety in the nearby woods. The older boy was unable to get through the opening and perished in the fire. The boy who survived in that root cellar described the blood streaming down through the floorboards as the women and children were being slaughtered. The only other survivor was a boy named Thomas who had been bludgeoned and scalped and tossed onto a pile of bodies in one of the cabins. When he came to, he noticed a friend named Abel who had also survived and was attempting to sit up when the militiamen brought another body into the cabin. One of the militiamen immediately killed Abel with his tomahawk, so Thomas pretended to be dead and lay perfectly still until the men left. Then, he got to his feet, climbed over the bodies and slipped out the door. Thomas and the boy who had escaped from the root cellar were both found by a group of Indians who were fleeing Schoenbrunn and heading toward the Sandusky. Thomas survived in spite of being scalped.

On March 8, 1782, those Pennsylvania militiamen murdered 96 innocent Christian men, women, and children. That number included 28 men, 29 women and 39 children. In his diary, John Heckewelder wrote, “The loving children who had so harmoniously raised their voices in the church, at school and in the parents’ houses in singing praises to the Savior. Their tender years, innocent countenances and tears made no impression on these white Christians. The children, together with 12 babes at the breast, were all butchered with the rest.”

After looting the homes, the militiamen burned the towns including the cabins containing the bodies. That killing field remained unvisited and untouched for 17 years. In 1799, 77 year-old David Zeisberger along with some friends and Christian Indian companions visited the site. They searched through the remains of the cabins where the bodies were burned and throughout the nearby grounds and collected the skeletal remains of as many of the victims as they could find and then buried them in a mass grave. A small mound at the site identifies that mass grave.

Mass Grave at Gnaddenhutten (Photo by Earl Nicodemus)

Geo-History Information

Lichtenau Historical Marker
Coordinates: N 40° 14′ 46.69″, W 81° 52′ 14.54″
The marker is located on the southeast corner of a busy intersection. If you decide to pay a visit and want to stop for a photograph, turn east onto Clow Lane and park at the apartment building a few hundred feet from the intersection

Salem Mission Historical Marker
Coordinates: N 40° 18′ 24.21″, W 81° 32′ 14.54″
This is on Rte. 36 out in the country. If you visit in person, you will find a nice turnout where you can stop for a photograph

Schoenbrunn Historical Marker
Coordinates: N 40° 28′ 01.98″, W 81° 24′ 48.05″
The marker is located at the entrance to the Schoenbrunn Village Historic site. If you plan to visit the site in person, you will want to do so in the summer because the historic site is not open during the winter months.

Gnadenhutten Historical Marker and Site
Coordinates: N 40° 28′ 01.98″, W 81° 24′ 48.05″
The marker is located near the burial mound at the site of the Gnadenhutten massacre. The marker is not visible from a Google Earth street view, although the road bordering the historic site has been imaged. Although the site is open year round, the visitor center is only open during the summer months.

For my history buff friends: Here are some of the sources of information for this story.

The Gnaddenhutten Massacre
Earl Nicodemus History Web Site

Life of John Heckewelder
by Rondthaler, Edward & Coates, Benjamin Horner,
Publication date 1847
Publisher Philadelphia, T. Ward

A narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians
by Heckewelder, John Gottlieb
Publication date 1820
Publisher Philadelphia: McCarty & Davis

History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America
by Loskiel, George Henry, Christian Ignatius, & Adams, John
Publication date 1794
Publisher The Brethren’s Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel

Diary of David Zeisberger
by David Zeisberger
Publication date 1885
Publisher R. Clarke & Co

The Life and Times of David Zeisberger: The Western Pioneer and Apostle
by Edmund De Schweinitz, Edmund Alexander De Schweinitz
Publication date 1871
Publisher J.B. Lippincott

A true history of the massacre of ninety-six Christian Indians, at Gnadenhuetten, Ohio, March 8th, 1782
by Gnadenhutten Monument Society
Publication date 1870
Topics Gnadenhutten Massacre, Gnadenhutten, Ohio, 1782, Moravian Indians
Publisher New Philadelphia, Ohio, Printed at the Ohio Democrat Office

All of the photographs in this story were taken by Earl Nicodemus. The drawing of the massacre was published during the 1800’s and is in the public domain.

Earl Nicodemus is retired after 40 years of teaching Instructional Technology at West Liberty University. He helped to form the West Liberty Historical Society, and he and his family have taken care of the historic West Liberty Cemetery since 1985. He is particularly interested in folk stories about local historical figures and often gives presentations to community groups.


The Christmas Time fire which produced a miracle .

A long time friend and customer of mine at one time had a big beautiful home  on Heinrick Farm Lane in Hampton Twp. in the North Hills of Allegheny County.
 Well that was till he and his wife divorced.
But a couple years before the divorce in early 80's  they where hosting a Christmas time party in their home
and  had a really nice big dinning room where they had enjoyed  dinner and then everyone retired to the basement  where they where watching a movie and exchanging gifts and enjoying dessert  . There where candles still lighted on the dinning room table when they went down stairs  and one of the candles  was unstable fell and caught the table on fire the fire quickly started to smoke up the house and my friends then wife  came up stairs to get a cake slicer she forgot to find the dinning room ablaze.
They called the Hampton Fire Dept they quickly arrived and where able to hold the flames and damage mostly to the dining room  but there was smoke damage all thru the first floor the fire was intense enough that it burned thru the dining room table and caused the ceiling chandelier to come crashing down .
The walls and entire room where covered with a thick black soot .
except for one very strange situation . My friends wife loved Hummel Figure's and had them all over the house and the dining room was no exception except she had a Hummel Manger Set with the baby Jesus ,which was set on a bed of straw. like the one in the picture below .

 By what  some have called a miracle the fire never touched the manger set not one spec of dust or soot on it  even with as intense as the flames where  right beside this set it was untouched. The county fire officials and Insurance investigators who came to the home could not believe their own eyes. While some have called it a miracle and a sign from God others have dismissed it as a freak incident of flame travel. Unfortunate I have not been able to find any pictures of the incident as the fire was far enough back files have gotten lost or where destroyed.
But I saw it with my own eyes and can not explain it other than to say it is a sign of a higher power.

There where many heroes during a Horrific Train Wreck in Emsworth in 1905 and the still eerie sound of a train whistle

It was a festive time a train full of individuals on there way to the president Theodore (teddy) Roosevelt  inauguration and it would end in a massive horrifying hell when 2 trains collided  just below the steep hill side of the Holy Family Orphanage  in Emsworth which sits along Pa 65 in Pittsburgh's northern suburbs

Holy family sits high on a shear cliff of sand stone in Emsworth along the Ohio River a few miles  north west of Pittsburgh .
At one time at the top of Allegheny  Ave next to the  now Holy Family  Institute there was a set of steep wooden steps which would take you down to the railroad tracks and the Emsworth Train Station.
long gone Emsworth station

and it was at this station where the horrific crash took place because of a " Hot Box " malfunctioning and heating up I could see the remnants of  foundations one day while working at Shafner manufacturing and asked the owner about it  and he told me about the train wreck and also the terrible fire Shafner  manufacturing had at one time.

The hot box is the wheel and gear assembly also refereed to as trucks which the railroad carriages fit on.

Accident happened in this area and back to right around cliff

The first train on the Fort Wayne and Indiana railroad  of a 2 train assemblage had stopped to make repairs when the 2nd train of celebrants came at a high speed  40 mph down the tracks and into the rear of the first train splitting it open like an axe  and killing 7 people and maiming many more .

The priests from Holy family and workers and medical staff from Nearby Dixmont State Hospital for the Mentally Insane responded immediately rendering aide and comfort  to the injured and dying . 

Some victims where carried all the way up the steep steps to Holy Family where they where cared for.
 many hero's that day including the priests who cared for and carried victims to safety and Guardsmen  and a Dr. on train who helped the victims till there own injury's saw them fall.

Today you would never know there was such a horrific tragedy  just the 2 sets of dual rails of the former Fort Wayne and Indiana railroad which became part of the Pennsylvania main line and now is operated by Norfolk Southern and the foundation of the train station . Next to the river which is an extremely busy track with trains almost every 10-15 minutes 24/ 7 coming from and going to the Conway yards in beaver county

But occasionally when the track is quiet  people claim to hear an old fashioned steam whistle yet no train visible I have talked to those who fish the river along the area and claim a light of an oncoming train but one is not coming down track just the light  and some claim you can hear a large crash type noise.
all of the noises have been dismissed as coming from across the river on heavily industrialized  Neville Island  or echoing up the valley from one of the river boats going thru the locks and dams at Emsworth and beaver county   and being misinterpreted. Yet I have heard the eerie sounding steam whistle  as well and could not tell where it was coming from as well.
Yes its very quiet and  isolated area so who knows?

The Mystery of the Dead Boy in the Box

A traveler along Susquehanna Road in Philadelphia  on February 25th 1957 is driving along the road when they spot a box  beside the road and decide to check it out inside they find what they first thought was a doll but ended up a starved to death boy estimated to be 10 years old . The case has never been solved despite the chasing down of several leads.

I first heard about this on a talk show while working in the  distant Philly area in  2003 when it was revealed that  a Dr. from Ohio that had a patient who told him her parents used the boy as a sex toy. and although she knew details that where not made public in the case the case still went no where .

So for now the case is still unsolved and will probably never be solved.

The good sisters still make sure the Children are safe at this Old Orphanage.

I can not reveal the name of the place but its located in the Ohio Valley and one time served as an orphanage started at the beginning of the 20th century for war orphans it greatly expanded . But then changed from an orphanage to a facility to handle at risk youth and families as more women where able to survive child birth  and the number of orphans dropped.
As time went on the campus expanded and the former orphanage building which had a walkway to the chapel became all administration offices  for the facility  and that's when the fun began mainly on the 2nd floor where children where cared for  and always seems after dark.

Many people working at night by them selves  have reported strange occurrences when upstairs by them selves.
Hearing voices of children or a caring adult possibly a nun  asking " Are you OK"

Then quickly looking around and no one is there.

One night cleaner had a most unusual encounter one night  a picture of one of the residential children was sitting on the floor it fell off the bulletin board he put it back up came back down hall it was on floor again he picks it up and at this point is a little apprehensive he starts back down hall and hears the toilet flush on 2nd floor . Ok there is some one up here working late probably one of the sisters . he turns around to see who it is when he sees a apparition of a child in old style night clothes walk across the hall between the door ways .
That was enough for the night he stayed down stairs rest of the evening.

The children who stay on the campus report they have seen  the priest who ran the place in the 30's walking around at night  as well as by sisters in old style dress  who will tuck them in at night if they kick off the blankets .

I had a strange thing happen on a Halloween night down there in late 90's I was working late and it was dark and I finished  and cleaned up and on my way out from maintenance garage some of the staff where out on this warm evening  sitting on one of the centers benches and I was talking to them when a police officer pulled thru center and stopped to say hello as he was patrolling thru the area  It was then we heard a noise down by the school and saw the  front school door open all by it self and then slowly close.  well we thought some ones playing a trick and cautiously checked it out with the officer and found nothing wrong with the door .

The old chapel has also often been  found to have doors open and close by them selves and people often claim it feels like they are being watched.

So is it the ghosts of those who ran the orphanage and the children they took care of or are we all just imagining things.  good question. But since they do not want publicity about the place I guess we will never know.

Airplane Joe never left his work station and is still around my customers place.

One of my customers a large welding business whose name  I can not reveal  in the Mon Valley  is housed in a large  multi building  former factory where they rebuilt  the electric drive engines for trains.
Wait a minute thought trains are diesel powered? No they are really electric powered the diesel engines drive a DC  or AC powered generator on train which does all the controlling and drive actions of the train.

Well they moved into this old factory and that's when things started getting strange .
 His workers often complained of the feeling they where being watched. or seeing a strange shadow across the shop floor. Well finally one night while the guys where working late they saw a guy in work clothes walk thru the back of the shop not knowing who he was  or how he got in  the shop they chased after him but as soon as they went to see who he was he was gone?
Well needless to say no one wanted to work evenings any more. While there have also been people who have worked in evenings and nothing has happened.
Now the Mon valley it self with all its busted up crime ridden decaying towns can be scary in its self so these strange activity's just helped get guys on edge to begin with.
The owner of the plant   thought the guys where feeding him a line of bull shit because they did not want to work at night in a dangerous community.

I have worked in the plant and it makes all kind of noises and you get a creepy feeling from it but I have never seen any thing . But it seems every time a new worker comes in they report the feeling they are being watched.
Well as time would pass and working there I would join the local Penn Hills  fire dept. and wouldn't you know it one of the members of the fire dept. was a former machinist at this plant over in the mon valley  .
So one day when no one was around I asked Terry if when he worked at the old plant was there any kind of strange goings on ? Why yes he said  that's Airplane Joe screwing with you guys .

Airplane Joe? I asked .
Well he goes on to tell me the Joe was a retired captain from the air force and after he retired from air force he came to the plant and worked long enough he was about to collect 2 pensions  Air force and engine plant he was set for life.
He was walking around the plant on his last day of work  bragging how he had the world by the ass when he suffered a fatal heart attack at his work station. Yep right where the guys saw the mysterious worker.

Terry told me that any time Joe shows up to cause mischief to tell him to go F*^K him self and he will stay away for a few weeks.Seems the guys who worked with Joe did not like him.

Well with this information in hand   the next time I went to the plant and told the owner and guys about it they had a good laugh and said OK so its not their imagination.
The owner still thinks its a bunch of bull but I have had professional ghost hunters come in at night and their equipment has picked up anomaly's .

The owner  says he just does not want to know what the team found  as he often works down there late at night himself.

So maybe its all a big bunch of nothing and everyone is letting their imaginations run wild but then again why are some bothered while others are not ?

Strangely a place with a record of horrific industrial deaths you would think would be haunted was not.

In the late 1800's early 1900's there existed the Pressed Steel Car Company  in Mckees rocks Pa.  Bottoms Section. A sprawling place with  some of the original buildings which can still be seen from the McKees Rocks Bridge .
It was a a horrific place to work even by steel mill standards of the time many a worker was horribly maimed or smashed and killed in this plant which made rail road cars and employed over 6000 workers at one time.
and yes there was an over priced company store and over priced housing just like you found in coal mine towns that took advantage of workers leaving them in virtual poverty  and which played one nationality off against the other.

A violent strike in 1909 would see 12 dead as workers finally had enough one day when wage envelops where short with no explanation.

The strike brought about changes but the plant did not last much past WWII and its buildings still exist to this day having been turned into an industrial park for multiple business

One of the cars produced at Pressed Steel 

 Now such a place of death and despair you would think would be haunted by the ghosts of  past incidents and there would be all kind of paranormal activity but surprisingly it is not going on as far as I can tell.
How do I know this ? 
Well in 1978 while attending Connely Skill Center where I was training to become a Refrigeration Mechanic  I needed to make money  and went to work for Burns International Detective Agency as an unarmed guard and my first assignment would be at your guessed it the Mckeesrocks  in the old Pressed Steel Plant 

 I guarded several buildings with in the complex  on a rotating 12 hour shift  the buildings where leased by American Forge who made Crane hooks and ratchet binders for  holding down loads on trucks. 
The place was  a total shit hole and dangerous to work in One of the kids in my neighborhood dad worked there  and always talked about how dangerous the place was  but these where days when OSHA was first enforced and eventually the place would be forced to close after fires and numerous other problems etc..
While the industrial park did a good job keeping the park buildings maintained and secured tenants like American Forge did them no favors in taking care of there places they leased.
I knew the place was some kind of mill and heard from those who worked there they made railroad cars. 
 But it was not till many years later and the advent of the Internet that I was able to dig out all the details of where I had worked ,and how horrifying the conditions where there at one time. 
Now with all the deaths and despair and working overnight in this place all by myself you think I would have experienced some kind of paranormal event but nothing happened I would run across guards from Paragon Security who worked the place as well and none of them ever spoke of any spooky goings on and one of my customers who started his business out in the place also said he never experienced any thing as well.  
So strange as it might seem there are no ghosts at the place it seems and if there are no ones talking about it. . Unlike many other places I work where there is all kind of unexplained activity's. In some ways its good because people are hesitant to work in such places and it draws plenty of curious people around some with good intentions some not .

When I went past the plant this past weekend of 11/14 they have started the process of tearing down the old forge buildings .

Where did Zippo Lighters original Advertising Car disappear to?

In the late 40's Zippo Lighters of Bradford Pa. commissioned a Pittsburgh  advertising agency to come up with a new gimmick and they did in the way of the Zippo Lighter car.
Made from a 1947 Chrysler Saratoga   the advertising  worked as My dad a a steel worker and many of his steel mill buddy's had them.Almost every one I knew who smoked had one until the Bic portable lighters came out. But Zippo is still a big player in the lighter market as they have become very collectible and commemorative lighters are still made to this day. 

Unfortunately thou the car  fell into disrepair and was stored at a ford dealership in Pittsburgh and when Zippo asked that it be returned so it could be refurbished it had disappeared.

Now why a Chrysler was taken to a ford dealership in first place who knows. Were is the car either it was cut up for scrap or its sitting in some ones private collection some where or parts are. 
But what a neat find it would be to find it still in one piece in a garage some where.
Whikle the original car is gone a new replica of the car has been built and is on display at the factory .

A little known fire which killed 48 at Penn Ave. & S. Aiken Street in 1931 with many questions

1931 was a horrible time in Pittsburgh with the start of the depression  and numerous bombings by racketeers going on around the city .
But it was also a time of a little known and discussed fire in the city's Garfield neighborhood at the
Little Sisters of the Poor where 48 died in a tragic evening  fire.
 Photos From Pittsburgh Dioceses Archives

Ever since I was a kid and my dad drove down Penn ave at S. Aiken was an  institutional building which was old and run down looking and housed crippled children. I always got the strange feeling thou something horrifying happened there thou not that building the one before it and I was right.
on July 25th 1931.

Which would turn out to be a horrifying day for Elderly and infirm  Inmates as they where then called  at the Little Sisters of the Poor's home . 
A home I never knew existed as far as I knew like many Pittsburgher's their home has been up in the North End  of Pittsburgh  in Brighton Heights 

But this was not always the case as I have now found out they started in Garfield  in a fire trap of a building which appears to have been overcrowded and  exit doors locked at night including a high stone wall around the property.
48 people would die in the fire and many more where badly injured.

The cause of the fire is believed to be accidental  but it might not have been as a careless smoker could have caused it or mentally unstable resident and the construction of the building with its lack of fire proof stairwells apparently no fire alarm not even pull stations and bells  and  no fire safety prevention just helped make the fire all that much worse.
The Catholic church among others seem to always think they are above following building codes. 
They know better they have divine protection well not that night.
So no wonder this fire has been hidden away and forgotten  I have always said the most dangerous place you can take your family on a Sunday is church too many of them are fire traps and accidents waiting to happen.

The old children's home which replaced the little sisters of poor home   on the site was torn down in the 90's and has been replaced with a modern sprinklered fire safe building .

But there are still plenty of old buildings the elderly are in around Pa. which have no sprinklers and lack proper protections and are fire traps and the state has done nothing about them. another tragedy like what happened in 1931 could happen today in a Personnel care home.