2 more young men from Pittsburgh Go Missing Andre Gray 34 and Paul Kochu 22 UPDATED Both found dead in ohio river days apart

Sad update both young mens bodys where found in the Ohio river near Stubenville Ohio Andre Gray  case has now become a Homicide .

Right now in the immediate  Pittsburgh and surrounding county's there are over a dozen high profile young men and women  who have disappeared with out a trace  just vanished .
Add to the list  34 yr old Andre Gray a Stylist

Picture from  WPXI Website of Andre Gray

Picture from WPXI Website Paul Kocku

 and now 22 year old Paul Kochu  a much loved nurse


 Both very disturbing disappearances one with very  hideous clues  

Andre gray failed to show for work and when police where contacted to check on his whereabouts his apartment appeared to have been a crime scene  some one was trying to cover up and his stolen vehicle showed up burned in the north side a favorite place for criminals to dump vehicles and body's.

The 2nd Paul Kochu disappeared after cutting his hand  while out for a nights entertainment  and being left alone at his apartment  or so his room mates claim.

The south side and Lawrenceville area where both have disappeared have of late become very dangerous places with numerous violent attacks and  strong arm robbery's of pedestrians late at night . and in the case of Andre it surely does not look good as it appears some one was covering up a murder. 

There are plenty of rumors floating around on both men which I do not want to discuss at this time I can only hope clues to there disappearances come forward soon. But with so many people now missing it is bringing back all those fear from the 70's when so many young woman where murdered  and or went missing except now its young men.

Nearly 40 years a Penn Hills and Wilkinsburg Murder of 2 young women Barabra Jean Lewis 31 aand beth Lynn barr 6 goes unsolved.

1977 the year I graduated from Carrick High School and a very scary time in Western Pa. in general with so many unsolved murders in late 70's and early 80's as serial killers prowled about the area.
I was recently reading the local Tribune Review and came about 2 murders now long time cold cases .of  Barbara Jean Lewis 31 , and Beth Barr 6,

While researching these 2 cases I found there where 4 young women  and girls with in 5 months murdered. and to make things even creepier I did electrical work at the civic assoc. in late 80's and never even knew about the murder or fact that Barbara Lewis body was dumped there. which is also right next to the now closed Church Hill Valley Country Club.

How ever I do remember all the news story's about Beth Lynn Barr  whose killer has never been found .

 At the same time Edward Wayne Edwards was roaming the area  who I have talked about in a previous blog post

There where so many young women and girls murdered during the late 70's and early 80's with so many of them never solved and in some cases still missing  police still believe none of them where connected.
But lay them all out on a map and the dates and the link sure as hell looks like they are.Call me crazy
 but like I have said in the past I do believe there is a serial killer or killers  possibly generational family of them  passed down one to the other who have been operating in this area for a very long time and possibly regionally and nationally.
just look at the whole case of the supposed smiley face killers  I wrote about a while back.

Now that same pattern seems to be happening to young men as several have just up and disappeared just in the Penn hills area.  Just what is going on? good question.  There is now the search for a 22 yr old male nurse going on in Pittsburgh's South side as you read this blog. which I will be posting on shortly who unfortunately I feel is going to end in sadness and mystery as well.