A Tragic fire in 1995 which Killed 3 Pittsburgh Firefighters a young man convicted in their deaths and now a New trail is being ordered

It was a horrifying situation as 3 Firefighters perished in a February 1995 fire in Pittsburgh's Homewood /Brushton section. It was even more horifuing  when it was announced to be an Arson fire.

Ultimately a young man  17 yr old  Gregory brown Jr.would be accused and sentenced to life in prison and his mom Darlene Buckner  convicted of insurance fraud.

But from the very start of this case things have not been adding up

Because of these discrepancy   The Innocence Project became involved because they believe justice was not done in this case.

While the Fire Investigator hired by the insurance agency that covered the home felt it was possibly related to a defective natural gas pipe line  The City and Federal Investigators  felt it was Arson and pursued it as a criminal case.

A new trail was ruled and then immediately   appealed by Allegheny County DA which the appeal has been overturned and unless further appealed will proceed .

One big thing this new trial will be hinged on is the Fire Investigation Techniques used at the time. 
as it has been revealed in Arson Case Re-Trial after Re-Trial how the Investigation techniques used 
even today are flawed  often called junk Science and even with modern science are being challenged  and there are many questions as to how the case was handled and the fact paid informants where used and not revealed .You better believe the DA is worried the young man will be found innocent  If this young man did set the fire and killed the 3 firefighters I say Fry the SOB  and let him rot in prison . If not then right a wrong and set him free. This trial is going to open up many old wounds but they can not properly heal if justice was not properly done. Lets settle it and all the rumors which have been swirling around the fire community  ever since the fire happened .

Said to be The Most Haunted House in America ? it was nothing but a Lie The Congelier House on Pittsburgh's North side

before they redid the north side approaches to the West End Bridge  in Pittsburgh there sat a house  near an intersection where there where many horrific accidents.
This house would go on to be called one of the most haunted houses in America.

The first I heard of the Victorian era Congelier  House on Ridge ave  was on KDKA TV where a former KDKA personalty  Beth  E. Trapani wrote a book about hunted pittsburgh sites

It told of horrific story's of a mad scientists working out of the home and headless women's body's being found . How Thomas Edison had come to examine the house 


How a gas worker was killed by an unknown force  and how the house was destroyed and dissapered  in a violent natural gas tank explosion  .

the whole story thou appears to be nothing more than a string of lies thou. 

 Because I still remember the house standing when I was a kid and the explosion was in 1927 it  was not of significant style and looked more like one of the many common row houses for the time period

So who ever or where ever this story came from appears to be the real mystery.

A series of Bombings in 1931 Pittsburgh against Italian Organizations unsolved to this day

1931 was a year of turmoil in the Italian community's of the USA  as a wave of mysterious bombings around Pittsburgh and other large city's with Italian populations. Possibly by Anti Fascist's or Anarchists who where  opposed Benito Mussolini  absolute take over of the country of Italy. A sworn enemy of the (Mafia )  la Costra-Nostra  Benito Mussolini had many enemy's world wide.

One such bombing caused severe damage to the front of the Italian Consulate in oakland section of Pittsburgh

 at 511 North Neville Street as seen in the picture above
Although there was an arrest in Cleveland FBI was unable to tie the cases together and the individuals responsible are unknown to this day.  Where mafia sympathizers involved after Mussolini had many arrested jailed and tortured or deported very possible.  But this again is a case where the statutes of limitations has long run and those involved long dead and gone. It makes for an interesting foot note in Pittsburgh and US history. as many Italians where not welcomed in this country when they first arrived in this country seen as foreign invaders they where often discriminated against and at times paid even less than negro workers at the time when some coal mines etc paid Irish , Negroes and Italians much less than others.  so could anti Italians have been involved in the bombings ? this is also possible as well . Who ever did the bombings they covered there tracks well.