Well thru the grace of God and skilled hands of surgeons and dedicated medical team I am still here 8 years after being diagnosed with a terminal disease and no evidence of it I am still in remission.
So while rehabilitating and having all kind of time on my hands I love to do research on historical things so why not research my own family and 2 incidents on my moms side of the family stand out as mysteries to this day. The one I just discovered a few weeks back. involving my Grandfather who will refer to as J.AH.
While doing research I found a disturbing newspaper article involving my grandfather when he was a young man still living with his parents in East Liberty.
In September of 1929 while on his way driving to or thru Schenley Park in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill Section a car full of men pull up and block his path and rob him . He never ever spoke about it.
Now what makes this a most unusual robbery is that 4 white men and 1 Negro was involved.
A most unusual pairing of robbers in the city for that time period. and for such a large gang of men to be involved.
The depression would not start for another month but even in 29 my grandfather had already lost his job when place he worked for closed so all they got was his watch. Times where already starting to get bad .
So just who was this gang who robbed him ? where they from out of state? good possibility as most criminal gangs where not of mixed race. You had the Black Hand which would become the Mafia in East Liberty but that was mostly Italians and there as a Jewish Gang of young men in Squirrel Hill
who terrorized mostly business people . So it was a most unusual crime which I have not been able to find much on as no similar crimes with these 5 men seem to have happened in the area at the time. However there where plenty of others involved in crime during these trying days.
Luckily my grandfather came out of this unhurt and went on to get a job during the depression with the WPA where he helped to clean up down town Pittsburgh after the St .Patrick day flood in 36 and would hold several different jobs till he was able to get a good steady job as a milkman for Sealtest dairy's.