I was on my way to Uniontown and was across the river from the Massive Clairton Coke Works
in Clairton when I spotted something disturbing and notified the plants Security Force
There where 2 Chinese adult males with very sophisticated Camera equipment zoomed in and watching the coke works operations .
Now you see Amateur Photographers like myself all the time taking pictures like the one above its a neat thing to photograph . But we do not have $20k cameras with extra powerful zooms on them.
Now the strange part they had no vehicle which means they where dropped off by someone but who?
Its a very long walk to the nearest Bus Stop .
and usually anytime some one is taking photos they have a car and if they are professionals they have markings on their vehicles to indicate who they are and they dress like professional videographers
But not these 2 who threw up all kind of red flags . maybe there doing something innocent but better to be safe than sorry
Where they Industrial Spy's very well could be that's why I called the plant and let them know.
Its now secret that China has machinations on the USA
and our DOD and other agency's are warning of an Black Swan Attack.
like they say See something say Something . When it does not look right report it.