In the early 80's Moose Products came out with the 725 panel an attempt at an integrated alarm system which ended very badly for Moose Products bottom line as it had a very fatal flaw it would disarm all by itself for no reason. This became a focal point in a very large computer theft at the then Laurel Computer Systems which has since gone out of business at the corner of Banksville road and Potomac Ave. in Pittsburgh. Which Ironically is now the location of Alarmax Distributors a large burglar alarm distributor. Where I purchase equipment and where not in business at time of the theft .
I became involved in the case when a fellow electrician called my self and another friend Frank M. to come and look at the Moose 725 panel he installed at laurel Computer to determine if a burglar had intercepted and gotten around the system as there was a major theft approx $500,000 .00 of PC desk top computers
This was back when a desk top unit ran $3500.00 a piece.
Well myself and Frank meet up and looked the system over and it was a well done installation
Perimeter and Interior where well covered and panel and sirens tampered when the door was manipulated and opened by the burglars the alarm should have gone off if it was armed

But it did not the owners where all polygraphed and passed and the crime was never solved to my knowledge and Laurel went out of business a couple months later and the site became several things over the years including a cell phone store. It was a couple months after the burglary when it was realized the panels had the fatal flaw of disarming by themselves from power surges which where not as well understood as they are today and since the panels at the time had no logging of events like they do today the employees swore under oath they had turned the system on.but apparently the panel disarmed over the weekend and the burglars where got lucky when they struck. Of course this was not the only panel moose made which had this problem its MPI 50 also had a problem of disarming when attacked in a certain way. I never heard again from the electrician or the owners of the business
but it appears there was no further legal action and I have no idea if there was even insurance coverage. But these where the high stakes days of constantly turning technology which was new one day and old the next and much was learned and technicians like my self completely aggravated by products like the 725 which where never fully tested before shoved out into the market place.