Still unsolved after 30 +years 2.3 Million Dollar Purolater Armored headquarters Robbery

When I worked for the now closed holmes protection in 1980 some evenings  whenI was not on road handling call I would be in central office in the old 6th street garage where Mellon Center is now located   I would get a call from a Guard at the Purolator Headquarters in Brentwood/ Carrick area to verify all alarms armed and set.
After I left holmes and there terribly run alarm company never thought about Purolater again but in March of 1982 when the place was closing up and a single guard was on duty  2 men would come in and say they where FBI and when the single guard let down his guard they grabbed and bound him and made off with 2.3 million dollars in untraceable cash.
To this day it is unsolved though a couple of names have come up over the years said to be involved but at this point the statute of limitations has long run and no one will be prosecuted because there was no violence involved.

When the crime happened I immediately called the FBI these criminals had to be working on inside information  and told them to make sure they look into all the guys working at holmes as we all knew only one guard was on when they closed  I do not know if they ever looked into it and never received a follow up call.
So if they ever checked the lead out I do not know. 
But who ever pulled it off definitely had inside info as almost no one  who lived in Carrick and Brentwood  even knew the place existed in a back alley behind Brownsville Road  there is just a garage door and no signage and no indication the place even exists it looks like every other back alley door along the alley.
So if it was not some one from Purolator involved it had to be some one who provided service or who even built and or repaired or cleaned the place or people who lived or worked in rest of the building upstairs.
Many leads to check out and chase but apparently none that lead any where.  Who ever these two men are and who ever helped them has never been discovered and remember this was a time when all the mills where going down and people where desperate so a little information could be easily bought  and loose tongues in bars of laid off employees from places did not help.  

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