There actually is a Spooky Hollow Road in lower Burrell But why do they call it that?

I thought my eyes where playing tricks first time I saw the road sign Spooky Hollow Road off of Pa 56 in Lower Burrell Twp  Westmoreland  county thought at first they where doing it for Halloween but after several years its still there and roads name has never changed .

The curious thing I can find nothing about how the road got its name no ghost tales on some website etc .
so some day i hope to go up it and see why the name which looks like a long windy road.


  1. Ive lived less than a mile from spooky hollow my whole life. I live off finnin rd near the cemetary. Spooky Hollow rd is a winding narrow rd with deep deops on both sides or hollows. When i was a girl my parents would drive us kids slowly on it amd tell us a story about a woman amd man who drove the road to fast amd careless from years back amd they wrecked off the cliff and the woman was decapitated in the accident the man died...and if you drive slow enough aroind the road with ypur windows down ypu can hear her crying and screaming searching for her head and sometimes see her. Now not sure if amy truth to the wreck but it scared the hell outta me as a child and as a teenager i drove very slow on that road as to not crash and die muself. It was a cautionary tale my parents told us to keep us safe and scare the shit out of us. Still not sure why it is spookyhollow but the story fit.

  2. Thank You for the Information If true this explainsthe name very well
