The Dark Tragedy in Johnstown 1923 No One wants to talk about

 I don't know what it is about South Western Pa. that brings out Racism  but it is very prevalent in this part of Pa. unlike every other area I travel. 

Pittsburgh even has the Nick Name Pittsburgh Mississippi for the way African Americans  and other of color are treated .

I know all about racism here in South Western Pa. because of my last name many think I am Jewish because way my last name is spelt  I am not .That's way immigration spelt my grandfathers name when he came from Austria when it was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire in 1912

So it really disturbed me when I read a horrifying racial incident that happened in Johnstown knowing the tragedy that town went thru. 

 It  was in a little part of town known as Rosedale 

When the Mayor of Johnstown Joesph Caufiel on September 6, 1923  ordered all Negroes  and Mexicans to leave town who had lived there less than seven (7) years .

Yes you read that right he forced hundreds of colored to pack up and  leave town .

and he got away with it.


Seems there was a major disturbance in the town  in late August and 2 white Police officers were killed 2 other officers would also die from their wounds later on  during a shootout with a  a black man named Robert Young. who had been drinking all day and suddenly opened fire. 


When the commotion was finally over that day September 6  upwards of 2000 walked out of town some by gunpoint as the KKK burned numerous Crosses on local hill sides that evening a period in the 20s when Klan membership was at an all time high.

The whole thing was widely denounced by papers local and far away and the mayor would eventuality end up in jail but not for this issues but to to graft and corruption.

for more information on this horrible day follow the following links.

 But it did not just happen in Johnstown it happened other places as well

 Racial cleansing took place throughout the region, including in Stowe Township, a suburb of Pittsburgh, and in nearby Beaver County
it also happened in Altoona and Harrisburg up into the 30s.



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