Forgotten Horrific Accident that saw the deaths of 2 Pittsburgh Police Officers who where responding to an emergency in Pittsburghs South Side

 As you drive by the corner of 26th street and Sarah street you pass a now vacant corner where a walk up ice cream stand once was stood

They had good ice cream but then closed one day never to reopen and eventually it was torn down.

However few now recall the tragic story this stand played on March  6 1991 when Pittsburgh Police Officers  Joseph Grill and Thomas Herron would loose their lives in a horrifying accident running into the stand after colliding with another pair of officers who where also in chase of a stolen car in Pittsburgh's South Side 

Both pairs did not realize they where both approaching the same intersection and tragedy happened,officers%20in%20the%20other%20vehicle%2C%20were%20seriously%20injured.


 Its been 33 years since the accident and they are both missed. I knew both of these Station 7# officers having worked with them as a security guard during a massive power line project by DLC which where where both protecting .

The old station 7# is no longer used except for weekends as a temporary command post  but outside you will find a granite memorial and marker which remembers these 2 brave souls.

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