Many pass this Old White Barn in North Hills of Pittsburgh . But do you know its history?

 If you have ever traveled up Camp Horne Road in North Hills of Pittsburgh you more than likely passed an old white barn where Camp Horne turns into Mt Nebo Road and Lowries Run Road

But as you look around when leaves are off the tress you see some old remnants in the woods surrounding it . 

 Whats now been long time abandoned was once a beautiful Golf Course  known as Green Valley with a interesting history 

In 1893 after learning to play golf in Massachusetts a local Pittsburgher  John Moorehead jr.  was excited to bring the game here to his native Pittsburgh 

 After setting the game up at several different country clubs   In 1947 on his Family homestead he opened Green Valley  Golf Club which operated till 2003 when it was sold to Allegheny Health networks who originally where interested in building a Hospital on the property but in 2004 a terrible Hurricanes Remnants came thru Pittsburgh Hurricane Ivan and destroyed much of the property .

The hospital was never built and it sits abandoned today you can barely see the barn now that trees have grown up all around it. 

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