Did a saint Protect the Parishners of St Michaels Church in Southside from the Cholrea Epidemic in 1853?

St Michael's Parrish long time the home of the Passion Play sits along the slopes of Pittsburgh's  South Side it was a sprawling complex of buildings which was closed by the consolidation  of churches in the 1980 due to the closing of steel mills which saw many parishioners move out of town.
But besides its historical role in conducting the Passion play  known as Veronica's Veil Which I was fortunate to see one time .

Which appears to have  closed in 2006 over financial issues 

But this is not what the church is only known for it is also known world wide for the special day
 a saint is Honored St Roch  
an excerpt below  from South Side Slopes . Org website explains the special miracle   which happened for the church 

St. Michael Church and the Cholera Plague of 1849 – The influence of the church is strong in the Slopes. St. Michael Church was started in a house in 1848 where the church front now stands.  The main church was designed by Charles Bartberger and built between 1855 and 1860 on land donated by German immigrants.  The surrounding land reminded them of the Rhine River valley.  The building’s style is Rhineland Romanesque Rival similar to rural Bavarian churches.  It has a gothic spire. In 1849, a deadly cholera plague hit Pittsburgh. The parish could not find enough burial places for deceased members. Parishioners prayed to St. Roch and vowed to keep a day holy if the plague would cease. It did. Another plague hit the South Side in 1853 but no members of St. Michael died. Cholera Day is still observed each August in Prince of Peace Parish on the South Side. The church was closed through a consolidation within the parish, and St. Michael is being redeveloped as the Angels’ Arms condominiums.

To this day a special celebratory mass is held with in the Prince of Peace Parrish which is the merger of south side churches  to St. Roch
I believe in Miracles I am a walking example having survived Stage IV colorectal cancer .I really do believe there is a higher power a creator .

St Matthews one of the consolidated churches into Price of Peace has also been turned into fancy upscale condominiums .

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